Rise of Microsoft RDP – Is Citrix Still the VDI Leader?

Rise of Microsoft RDP – Is Citrix Still the VDI Leader?

Aug 26, 2024 10:59:36 AM

For years, Citrix has been heralded as the gold standard in the realm of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI). However, recent advancements in Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) suggest that the landscape is shifting. This blog sets the scene for the debate, introducing a whitepaper that compares Citrix HDX head-to-head with Microsoft’s challenger-enhanced RDP. If you are interested in all the details, read the whitepaper, Citrix HDX versus Microsoft RDS

Citrix HDX – Longtime Leader

Citrix has long been a leader in the VDI space and is known for its early and innovative implementation of various technologies. Central to Citrix’s success is its High-Definition Experience (HDX) technology, which includes intelligent redirection and adaptive compression, ensuring a superior user experience. HDX intelligently manages network resources, adapts to changing conditions, and maintains high-quality multimedia performance, making Citrix VDI the go-to solution for many IT managers.

Microsoft's Race to Catch Up

Microsoft has made significant strides in closing the gap with Citrix in recent years. Notably, the enhancements in Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) have caught the attention of many in the industry. Key developments include RDP ShortPath, which reduces latency and improves connection reliability, and Quality of Service (QoS) improvements that prioritize critical VDI traffic to enhance user experience. Organizations transitioning to Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop report positive experiences, highlighting the robustness and efficiency of Microsoft’s new offerings.

Migration Findings

Practical findings from organizations that have migrated from Citrix to Microsoft reveal that RDP’s advancements have brought user experiences on par with, and sometimes exceeding, those provided by Citrix HDX. These migrations showcase the potential for reduced costs and improved efficiency with Microsoft’s VDI solutions.

Citrix HDX versus Microsoft RDP for VDI

Citrix and Microsoft Head-to-Head

We’ve taken the time to perform a detailed head-to-head comparison between Citrix HDX and Microsoft RDP in our technical whitepaper and explored the key differences, such as 
Citrix’s intelligent redirection and adaptive compression versus Microsoft’s RDP ShortPath and Universal Rate Control Protocol (URCP).

The whitepaper reveals significant differences.  For example, Citrix’s adaptive compression evaluates input types, device capabilities, and display requirements to ensure smooth multimedia transmission, even over limited bandwidth. Microsoft’s Universal Rate Control Protocol (URCP) enhances UDP transport by actively monitoring network conditions and dynamically adjusting to maintain optimal performance.

Learn More: Download our detailed whitepaper for a head-to-head comparison of Citrix HDX and Microsoft RDP improvements. Make an informed decision for your organization and see whether Citrix remains the VDI leader or if Microsoft has taken the top spot. Interested in more details about moving from Citrix to AVD? go to our Virtual Desktop Page


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